
Attack Path Analysis: List Attack Paths

A new endpoint has been added to the Tenable Attack Path Analysis API that enables users to retrieve a list of attack path vectors. The new endpoint is described in the following table:

GET /apa/api/discover/v1/vectorsList attack pathsReturns a list of attack path vectors.

The new endpoint supports the following query parameters:

page_numberIntegerFor offset-based pagination, the result set page index to retrieve. If this parameter is omitted, Tenable Attack Path Analysis uses the default value 1.

For example, if the total number of results is 28 and the limit is set to 5, page 2 contains records 6-10.
run_ai_summarizationBooleanIndicates whether or not to run the AI summarization for missing paths.

Generative AI enables users to better understand attack paths and their associated risk, and it provides additional insight into the assets affected by the attack paths. For more information about generative AI in Tenable Attack Path Analysis, see the Attack Path Analysis Generative AI Best Practices Guide.

Note that enabling the AI summarization results in slower response times.
filterStringA JSON string filter condition in the following format:

{"operator": "$valid_operator", "value": [{}, { "operator": "$valid_operator", "key": "$valid_key", "value": "$value" }]}.

The following are valid operators: and, or, is equal to, does not equal, includes, excludes, contains, ==, !=, <, >, <=, and >=.

The following are valid keys: asset_exposure, asset_id, blast_radius, critical_asset, data_source, finding_id, freetext, name, priority, steps, summary, technique, and weakness_id.

For example, both of the following examples are valid filters:
  1. {"operator": "and", "value": [{"operator": "==", "key": "name", "value": "Nice Name"}, {"operator": "==", "key": "priority", "value": "high"}]}
  2. {"operator":"and","value":[{"operator":"and","value":[{"operator":"==","key":"name","value":"Remote Desktop Protocol"},{"operator":"==","key":"summary","value":"ARCHIVE"},{"operator":"==","key":"asset_id","value":"Network Sniffing-10931"}]},{"operator":"==","key":"finding_id","value":"13213241564"}]}
limitIntegerThe number of records to retrieve. If this parameter is omitted, Tenable uses the default value of 25.
sort_fieldStringThe field to sort the results by. Supported fields for sorting are name and priority.
sort_orderStringThe order to sort the results by, either ascending (asc) or descending (desc).