added Asset Age Out now offers the option to automatically delete assets in a network after a specified number of days. The assets_ttl_days body parameter can be specified when creating or updating a network. Additionally, a new endpoint has been added that allows you to return the total number of assets in a network along with the number of assets that have not been seen for a specified number of days.

The new parameter:

assets_ttl_daysIntegerThe number of days to wait before assets age out. Assets will be permanently deleted if they are not seen on a scan within the specified number of days. The minimum value is 14 and the maximum value is 365.


If you enable this option, immediately deletes assets in the specified network that have not been seen for the specified number of days. All asset records and associated vulnerabilities are deleted and cannot be recovered. The deleted assets no longer count towards your license.

The changes affect the following endpoints:

API EndpointDescriptionChange
POST /networksCreate networkAdded the assets_ttl_days body parameter.
PUT /networks/{network_id}Update networkAdded the assets_ttl_days body parameter.
GET /networks/{network_id}/assets-not-seen-in{num_days}Get network asset countNew endpoint that returns the total number of assets in a network along with the number of assets that have not been seen for a specified number of days.