
New POST Method Available for Filters Endpoints

There are two existing endpoints available for retrieving the filtering, sorting, and pagination capabilities available for assets and vulnerabilities. These two endpoints are GET /filters/workbenches/assets and GET /filters/workbenches/vulnerabilities. now supports a POST method for these two endpoints that return an additional filter (tag_uuid), displayed as Tag (Category: Value), that is not returned when using the GET version of these endpoints.

New POST method version of these endpoints:

API EndpointName
POST /filters/workbenches/assetsList asset filters v2
POST /filters/workbenches/vulnerabilitiesList vulnerability filters v2

Additionally, with the POST method version of the two endpoints, you can pass a a list of tag UUIDs in the tag_uuids body parameter that are guaranteed to be returned in the initial data set of the tag-uuid filter, if the tags exist.

tag_uuidsarray of stringsA list of tag UUIDs that are guaranteed to be returned in the initial data set of the tag_uuid filter, if the tags exist.