added Rollover Scan Parameters

Rollover scan parameters have been added to the scanning API to allow users to launch rollover scans, retrieve rollover history data, and delete rollover history data. When you launch a rollover scan, the scan runs only against targets that did not scan previously due to a scan timeout. Rollover scans allow you to achieve complete scan coverage for all your assets, and you can use the rollover feature to split up large, network-impacting scans.

This update affects the following endpoints:

POST /scans/{scan_id}/launchThe rollover string body parameter was added. When set to true, users can run a rollover scan instead of a full scan.
GET /scans/{scan_id}/historyThe exclude_rollover query parameter was added. The parameter allows users to include or exclude rollover scan data from the request.
DELETE /scans/{scan_id}/history/{history_id}The delete_rollovers query parameter was added. The parameter allows users to choose whether the delete request also deletes the scan's rollover history data.