
Scan Time Window

The behavior of the scan_time_window body parameter has changed. Previously, this parameter only applied to Nessus agent scans. However, this parameter can now be used for Nessus scanner scans to set the time frame, in minutes, after which the scan will automatically stop.

The behavior of the scan_time_window parameter for each scan type is described in the table below:

Scan TypeParameterDescription
Nessus agent scansscan_time_windowThe time frame, in minutes, during which agents must transmit scan results to in order to be included in dashboards and reports. If your request omits this parameter, the default value is 180 minutes.
Nessus scanner scansscan_time_windowThe time frame, in minutes, after which the scan will automatically stop. If your request omits this parameter, the default value is 0 and the scan will not stop after a certain time frame.

This update affects the following endpoints:

Create scanPOST /scans
Create remediation scanPOST /scans/remediation
Update scanPUT /scans/{scan_id}