Lumin API

You can use Tenable Lumin to quickly and accurately assess your Cyber Exposure risk and compare your health and remediation performance to other Tenable customers in your Salesforce industry and the larger population. Lumin correlates raw vulnerability data with asset business criticality and threat context data to support faster, more targeted analysis workflows than traditional vulnerability management tools. For more information, see Lumin in in the Vulnerability Management User Guide.

To add Lumin to your license, contact your Tenable representative.

If Lumin is added to your instance, the following endpoints are affected:

GET /assets
GET /assets/{asset_uuid}
GET /workbenches/assets
GET /workbenches/assets/{asset_uuid}/info
200 response messages include new attributes: acr_score, acr_drivers, exposure_score, scan_frequencyExisting
POST /api/v2/assets/bulk-jobs/acr Bulk update the ACR for your assetsNew

For more information about these endpoints, see: