Tenable MSSP: New Management Endpoints
almost 2 years ago by Lance Duvall
Documentation is now available for new Tenable MSSP Portal endpoints. The new endpoints add support for the following functionalities:
- Account management—List and retrieve child account details.
- Child container management—Generate authorization keys for child containers and retrieve child container history.
- Domain management for MSSP child accounts—Add, edit, or disable domains associated with child accounts linked to an MSSP Portal.
- Resource link management—Create custom resource links in child accounts; for example, for a custom support portal or critical announcements.
Additionally, new endpoints have been added for retrieving dashboard data, listing license details, and listing filtering capabilities.
The new endpoints are described in the following tables:
Endpoint | Name | Description |
POST /mssp/accounts/eval | Create evaluation account | Creates an evaluation account. |
GET /mssp/accounts | List child accounts | Returns a list of child accounts in the Tenable MSSP Portal. |
GET /mssp/accounts/{account_uuid} | Get child account details | Returns details for the specified child account. |
GET /mssp/accounts/{account_uuid}/domains | List domains | Returns a list of domains for the specified child account. |
Child Containers
Endpoint | Name | Description |
POST /mssp/accounts/mssp-child-keys | Generate auth keys for child container | Generates authorization keys for the specified child container. An access_key and a secret_key is included in the response. |
GET /mssp/accounts/childContainers/{user_uuid} | List child containers | Returns a list of child containers associated with the specified parent account UUID. |
GET /mssp/accounts/{account_uuid} | Get child container history | Returns the history for child containers associated with the specified parent account UUID. |
Endpoint | Name | Description |
GET /mssp/dashboard | Get widget details | Returns the data for the specified dashboard widget. |
Endpoint | Name | Description |
POST /mssp/domains | Add domain | Adds a new domain to the specified container. |
GET /mssp/domains | List domains | Returns a list of all child containers and their domains. |
GET /mssp/domains/account/{account_uuid} | Get domain details | Returns a list of domains and their details for the specified account UUID. |
PUT /mssp/domains/account/{account_uuid} | Update domain | Updates a domain associated with the specified account UUID. |
POST /mssp/domains/verifyDomain | Send activation code | Sends a verification code to add a domain to a container. |
Endpoint | Name | Description |
GET /filters/mssp/accounts | List account filters | Lists the filtering capabilities for account endpoints that support filtering. |
Endpoint | Name | Description |
GET /mssp/license | Get license details | Returns license details for the account associated with the user's API credentials. |
Resource Links
Endpoint | Name | Description |
POST /mssp/resourcelink/addBulk | Bulk add resource links | Adds or updates resource links for multiple customer accounts. |
POST /mssp/resourcelink/account/{account_uuid} | Add resource links | Adds or updates resource links for the specified customer account. |
GET /mssp/resourcelink/account/{account_uuid} | List resource links | Returns the resource links for the specified account. |