
Vulnerability Management: New Parameter for Open Port Findings in Asset Exports

A new boolean body parameter is now available for the Tenable Vulnerability Management Export assets endpoint that enables customers to include or exclude open port findings from info-level plugins. The new parameter is include_open_ports. If the new parameter is omitted, Tenable Vulnerability Management uses a default value of false to exclude open port findings from the asset export.

Open port data from info-level plugins was added to asset exports on December 5, 2023 for customers that enabled the Relocate Open Port Findings setting in the user interface. For more information about open port findings in API asset exports, see Asset Export Open Port Findings for Info-level Plugins. For more information about the Relocate Open Port Findings setting in the user interface, see Relocate Open Port Findings in the Tenable Vulnerability Management User Guide and the Relocate Open Port Findings Quick Reference Guide.

The new parameter is described in the following table:

include_open_portsBodySpecifies whether or not to include open port findings from info-level plugins. If this parameter is omitted, Tenable Vulnerability Management uses a default value of false.

Caution: Including open port findings can significantly increase the size of the API response and exports take longer to complete.

This update affects the following endpoint:

API EndpointNameChange
POST /assets/exportExport assetsAdded the include_open_ports boolean body parameter.

Example: Enable Open Port Findings in Asset Export

For example, to include open port findings in an asset export, you could use the following cURL request:

curl --request POST \
     --url \
     --header 'X-ApiKeys: accessKey=<YOURKEY>;secretKey=<YOURKEY>' \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header 'content-type: application/json' \
     --data '
  "chunk_size": 5000,
  "include_open_ports": true