
Vulnerability Management: New Response Code for Duplicate Vulnerability Exports

The vulnerability export endpoint now returns an HTTP 409 Conflict status code if a duplicate export request is received. Previously, an HTTP 429 Too Many Requests status code was returned in the event of a duplicate export request.

Note that Vulnerability Management prevents duplicate exports from running concurrently. For example, export requests with the same filters. For more information, see Concurrency Limiting.

If you receive a 409 Conflictstatus code, you can check the response for the UUID of the ongoing vulnerability export job that was already submitted. For example, see the following response:

  "active_job_id": "2f3381e3-a551-4b9b-9c17-b019412cc35b",
  "failure_reason": "The request could not be completed due to a conflict with the ongoing export"

This change affects the following endpoints:

POST /vulns/exportExport vulnerabilitiesAn HTTP 409 Conflict status code is now returned if a duplicate export request is received.