Assessment Scan: Managed Credentials (Windows)

Related Endpoint: POST /scans



Credentials objects differ slightly for the PUT /scan/{scan_id} endpoint. For more information, see Update a Scan.

This example request body configures a Malware scan that uses a managed credentials to evaluate the targeted hosts. This example also uses a target group, instead of listing individual targets.

  "uuid": "265865ac-2b94-4eb5-a470-ae7c67fe842ea918400c42a035f7",
  "settings": {
    "name": "northern-region-assets",
    "target_groups": [2, 8, 12],
    "emails": "[email protected],[email protected]"
  "credentials": {
    "add": {
      "Host": {
        "Windows": {
          "id": "4a274080-63ab-4d4e-83ba-7868d78b7c71"