Convert Scan-specific Credentials to Managed Credentials

To convert a scan-specific credential object to a managed credential object, use the following steps.

STEP 1: Determine the ID of the scan where the credential object is stored

  1. Use the GET /scans endpoint to view a list of your scans.
  2. Search for the relevant scan. For example, you might search by its name, "Basic Scan".
  3. Note the id attribute for that scan.

Example (Excerpted from Response Message)

In this example, the scan ID is 58.

  "name":"Basic Scan",

STEP 2: Determine the ID of the credential object you want to convert

  1. Use the GET /editor/scan/{scan_id} endpoint to list the scan configuration details. The {scan_id} parameter in the path for this endpoint is the scan ID you determined in Step 1.
  2. Search for the relevant credentials category. For example, you might search by "Windows".
  3. Note the value in the relevant[].types[].instances[].id attribute.

Example (Excerpted from Response Message)

In this example, the credential ID is 168.

  "credentials": {
    "data": [
        "types": [
            "inputs": [
            "max": -1,
            "name": "Windows",
            "instances": [
                "ad_hoc": true,
                "summary": "Domain:, User:, Auth method: Password",
                "inputs": [
                    "id": "auth_method",
                    "name": "Authentication method",
                    "type": "ui_radio",
                    "options": [],
                    "default": "Password",
                    "required": true
                "id": 168
            "settings": {
              "authentication": {}
        "name": "Host",
        "default_expand": 1

STEP 3: Convert the scan-specific credential object

Use the POST /scans/{scan_id}/credentials/{credentials_id}/upgrade endpoint to convert the credential to a managed credential.

Example Request Body

  "name": "Standard Windows",
  "settings": {
  "type": "Windows",
  "category": "Host",
  "ad_hoc": false,