Convert Scan-specific Credentials to Managed Credentials
To convert a scan-specific credential object to a managed credential object, use the following steps.
STEP 1: Determine the ID of the scan where the credential object is stored
- Use the GET /scans endpoint to view a list of your scans.
- Search for the relevant scan. For example, you might search by its name, "Basic Scan".
- Note the
attribute for that scan.
Example (Excerpted from Response Message)
In this example, the scan ID is 58
"name":"Basic Scan",
STEP 2: Determine the ID of the credential object you want to convert
- Use the GET /editor/scan/{scan_id} endpoint to list the scan configuration details. The {scan_id} parameter in the path for this endpoint is the scan ID you determined in Step 1.
- Search for the relevant credentials category. For example, you might search by "Windows".
- Note the value in the relevant[].types[].instances[].id attribute.
Example (Excerpted from Response Message)
In this example, the credential ID is 168
"credentials": {
"data": [
"types": [
"inputs": [
"max": -1,
"name": "Windows",
"instances": [
"ad_hoc": true,
"summary": "Domain:, User:, Auth method: Password",
"inputs": [
"id": "auth_method",
"name": "Authentication method",
"type": "ui_radio",
"options": [],
"default": "Password",
"required": true
"id": 168
"settings": {
"authentication": {}
"name": "Host",
"default_expand": 1
STEP 3: Convert the scan-specific credential object
Use the POST /scans/{scan_id}/credentials/{credentials_id}/upgrade endpoint to convert the credential to a managed credential.
Example Request Body
"name": "Standard Windows",
"settings": {
"type": "Windows",
"category": "Host",
"ad_hoc": false,
Updated 3 days ago