Upload credentials file

Uploads a file for use with a managed credential (for example, as a private key file for an SSH credential).

Tenable Vulnerability Management validates this request with the required fileType query parameter. The supported fileTypes are: pem, json, csv, x.509, p12, cookie, ssh (only RSA and DSA OpenSSH keys/certificates are supported). To pass validation, cookie files must adhere to the Netscape cookies file format. Additionally, csv files must adhere to one of the following formats:

  • target, port, database_name, username, cred_manager
  • target, port, instance_name, username, auth_type, cred_manager
  • target, port, service_type, service_ID, username, auth_type, cred_manager

For more information about using this file, see Create a Managed Credential.

Requires the Basic [16] user role. See Roles.
