Creates a tag value. The tag category can be specified by UUID or name. If Tenable Vulnerability Management cannot find a category you specify by name, the system creates a new category with the specified name. To automatically apply the tag to assets, specify the rules using the filters
Requires the Scan Manager [40] user role. See Roles.
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400Returned if Tenable Vulnerability Management encounters any of the following error conditions:
- the combination of category and value you specified already exists (
) - the category you specified does not exist (
) - your request exceeded a tag limit for your organization, which can be either the maximum of 100 categories or the maximum 100,000 tags for each category, or as configured for your organization
- your request body is greater than 1 MB
- you attempted to specify more than 1,000 rules for an individual tag (
Filter expression cannot have more than 1,000 conditions
) - your request specified an invalid filter for the dynamic tag rule, for example,
ipv 4
(The following filter types are not valid: {string}