Create access group

Creates an access group.

Caution: Access groups were deprecated in Tenable Vulnerability Management on February 4th, 2022. Tenable recommends that customers use access control instead to manage user and group access to resources in Tenable Vulnerability Management. Please update any existing integrations that your organization has. For more information about access control, see Access Control in the Tenable Vulnerability Management User Guide.

Requires the Administrator [64] user role. See Roles.

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Body Params

The name of the access group you want to create. This name must be:

  • Unique within your Tenable Vulnerability Management instance.
  • A maximum of 255 characters.
  • Alphanumeric, but can include limited special characters (underscore, dash, parenthesis, brackets, colon).

Note: You can add a maximum of 5,000 access groups to an individual container.


The type of access group. It can be one of three possible types:

  • MANAGE_ASSETS—Users in this access group can view the asset records created during previous scans and scan the associated targets for those assets.
  • SCAN_TARGETS—Users in this access group can scan targets associated with the access group and view the results of those scans. Targets may be associated with existing assets.
  • ALL—This access group type is only applicable to the default system-generated "All Assets" access group that contains all assets in your organization. This group is referred to as the "All Assets" group in the user interface. By default, Tenable Vulnerability Management grants all users in this access group both CAN VIEW and CAN SCAN permissions.

Specifies whether assets in the access group can be viewed by all or only some users in your organization:

  • If true, all users in your organization have Can View access to the assets defined in the rules parameter. Tenable Vulnerability Management ignores any principal parameters in your request.
  • If false, only specified users have Can View access to the assets defined in the rules parameter. You define which users or user groups have access in the principals parameter of the request.

If you omit this parameter, Tenable Vulnerability Management sets the parameter to false by default.


This parameter must always be false or omitted from create requests to specify that the access group is a user-created group. If you submit a create request with this parameter set to true, the create request fails.

array of objects

An array of principals. Each principal represents a user or user group assigned to the access group. You cannot add an access group as a principal to another access group.

Tenable Vulnerability Management handles data in this array based on the all_users parameter of the request:

  • If all_users is true, Tenable Vulnerability Management ignores any principal data in the request. You can omit this parameter from the request.
  • If all_users is false, Tenable Vulnerability Management adds the principal data to the access group.
array of objects

An array of asset rules. Tenable Vulnerability Management uses these rules to assign assets to the access group. You can specify a maximum of 1,000 rules for an individual access group. If you specify multiple rules for an access group, Tenable Vulnerability Management assigns an asset to the access group if the asset matches any of the rules. You can only add rules to access groups if the all_assets parameter is set to false.

Note: When configuring rules for an access_group_type of SCAN_TARGETS, the asset attribute type (rules.type) must match the target format used in the related scan. For example, if a SCAN_TARGETS type access group rule filters on the FQDN/Hostname attribute, the related scan succeeds if the scan target is specified in FQDN or hostname format, but fails if the scan target is specified in IPv4 address format.



Returned if Tenable Vulnerability Management encountered any of the following error conditions:

  • max_entries—your request exceeds the maximum number of 5,000 access groups.
  • duplicate—an access group with the name you specified already exists.
  • protected—you attempted to set the all_assets parameter to true, and you cannot create the system-provided access group, All Assets.

Returned if you do not have permission to create access groups.
