JUMP TOGet StartedNavigate the APIsRead the DocsDisclaimerDownload the SpecsTry It!Tenable Platform & SettingsAccess Control (API)List allowed IP addressesgetUpdate allowed IP addressesputAccess Control (Groups)Create grouppostList groupsgetUpdate groupputDelete groupdeleteList users in groupgetAdd user to grouppostAccess Control (Permissions)Create permissionpostList permissionsgetGet permission detailsgetUpdate permissionputDelete permissiondeleteList user permissionsgetList user group permissionsgetGet current user permissionsgetAccess Control (Users)Create userpostList usersgetGet user detailsgetUpdate userputDelete userdeleteGet user rolegetDelete user from groupdeleteChange user roleputChange passwordputEnable user accountputGet user authorizationsgetUpdate user authorizationsputGenerate API keysputImpersonate userpostSend verification codepostValidate verification codepostConfigure two-factor authenticationputAccess Groups v1Create access grouppostList access groupsgetUpdate access groupputDelete access groupdeleteGet access group detailsgetList access group filtersgetList asset rule filtersgetAccess Groups v2Create access grouppostList access groupsgetUpdate access groupputDelete access groupdeleteGet access group detailsgetList access group filtersgetList asset rule filtersgetActivity LogView activity loggetAgentsList agentsgetList agents by groupgetGet agent detailsgetRename agentpatchUnlink agentdeleteAgent Bulk OperationsAdd agents to a grouppostAdd agents to a networkpostAgent profile operationspostCheck agent group operation statusgetCheck agent operation statusgetSend instructions to agentspostSend instructions to agents grouppostRemove agents from grouppostRemove agents from networkpostUnlink agentspostAgent ConfigGet agent configurationgetUpdate agent configurationputAgent ExclusionsCreate agent exclusionpostList agent exclusionsgetGet agent exclusion detailsgetUpdate agent exclusionputDelete agent exclusiondeleteAgent GroupsCreate agent grouppostList agent groupsgetGet agent group detailsgetUpdate agent group nameputDelete agent groupdeleteAdd agent to groupputRemove agent from groupdeleteAgent ProfilesCreate profilepostList profilesgetGet profile detailsgetUpdate profileputDelete profiledeleteClone profilepostCloud ConnectorsCreate connectorpostList connectorsgetGet connector detailsgetUpdate connectorputDelete connectordeleteDownload ARM TemplategetDownload CFT TemplatepostList AWS cloudtrailspostImport datapostCredentialsCreate managed credentialpostList managed credentialsgetGet managed credential detailsgetUpdate managed credentialputDelete managed credentialdeleteList credential typesgetUpload credentials filepostExclusionsCreate exclusionpostList exclusionsgetImport exclusionpostGet exclusion detailsgetUpdate an exclusionputDelete an exclusiondeleteNetworksCreate networkpostList networksgetGet network detailsgetUpdate networkputDelete networkdeleteGet network asset countgetAssign scannerspostList network scannersgetBulk assign scannerspostList assignable scannersgetOT ConnectorsCreate OT connectorpostList OT connectorsgetGet OT connector detailsgetUpdate OT connectorputDelete OT connectordeleteGenerate linking keypostPermissionsGet object permissionsgetUpdate object permissionsputScannersList scannersgetGet scanner detailsgetUpdate scannerputDelete scannerdeleteGet scanner keygetList AWS scan targetsgetList running scansgetSend instructions to scannerpostSend instructions to multiple scannerspostAllow control of running scanspostToggle scanner link stateputScanner GroupsCreate scanner grouppostList scanner groupsgetList scanner group detailsgetUpdate scanner groupputDelete a scanner groupdeleteList scanners within scanner groupgetAdd scanner to scanner grouppostRemove scanner from scanner groupdeleteList scan routesgetUpdate scan routesputServerGet server statusgetList server propertiesgetTagsCreate tag categorypostList tag categoriesgetGet category detailsgetUpdate tag categoryputDelete tag categorydeleteCreate tag valuepostList tag valuesgetGet tag value detailsgetUpdate tag valueputDelete tag valuedeleteList tags for an assetgetAdd or remove asset tagspostBulk delete tag valuespostList asset tag filtersgetTarget GroupsCreate target grouppostList target groupsgetGet target group detailsgetUpdate target groupputDelete target groupdeleteVulnerability ManagementAssetsList assetsgetGet asset detailsgetUpdate ACRpostMove assetspostBulk delete assetspostImport assetspostList asset import jobsgetGet import job statusgetAsset AttributesCreate attributepostList attributesgetUpdate attributeputDelete attributedeleteAssign attributes to assetputList attributes assigned to assetgetDelete attributes from assetdeleteAssign single attribute to assetputDelete attribute from assetdeleteEditorGet configuration detailsgetList templatesgetGet template detailsgetGet plugin detailsgetDownload audit filegetExports (Assets)Export assets v1postExport assets v2postGet assets export statusgetList asset export jobsgetDownload assets chunkgetCancel asset exportpostExports (Compliance Data)Export compliance datapostGet compliance export statusgetList compliance export jobsgetDownload compliance chunkgetCancel compliance exportpostExports (Vulnerabilities)Export vulnerabilitiespostGet vulnerability export statusgetList vuln export jobsgetDownload vulnerabilities chunkgetCancel vuln exportpostFileUpload filepostFiltersList agent filtersgetList asset filtersgetList asset filters v2postList credential filtersgetList report filtersgetList scan filtersgetList scan history filtersgetList vulnerability filtersgetList vulnerability filters v2postFoldersCreate folderpostList foldersgetRename folderputDelete folderdeletePluginsList pluginsgetGet plugin detailsgetList plugin familiesgetList plugins in family (ID)getList plugins in family (name)postPoliciesCreate policypostList policiesgetCopy policypostImport policypostExport policygetList policy detailsgetUpdate policyputDelete policydeleteReportsCreate reportpostGet report statusgetDownload reportgetScansCreate scanpostList scansgetGet scan detailsgetUpdate scanputDelete scandeleteScan ControlLaunch scanpostPause scanpostResume scanpostStop scanpostForce stop scanpostScan ExportsExport scanpostCheck scan export statusgetDownload exported scangetScan HistoryGet scan historygetGet scan history detailsgetDelete scan historydeleteScan ResultsGet host detailsgetGet plugin outputgetGet scan attachment filegetScan StatusGet latest scan statusgetUpdate scan statusputGet scan progressgetScan TasksEnable scheduleputCopy scanpostConvert credentialspostImport uploaded scanpostGet scan countgetGet timezonesgetTest scan routespostRemediation ScansCreate remediation scanpostList remediation scansgetVulnerabilitiesImport vulnerabilities v1postImport vulnerabilities v2postWorkbenchesList vulnerabilitiesgetGet plugin detailsgetList plugin outputsgetList assetsgetList assets with vulnerabilitiesgetGet asset informationgetGet asset activity loggetList asset vulnerabilitiesgetGet asset vulnerability detailsgetList asset vulnerabilities for plugingetDelete assetdeleteExport workbenchgetCheck export statusgetDownload export filegetWeb App ScanningAttachmentsDownload attachmentgetConfigurationsCreate scan configurationpostGet remediation scan configurationgetSearch scan configurationspostGet scan configuration detailsgetUpsert scan configurationputMove scan configurationpatchDelete scan configurationdeleteGet scan configuration processing statusgetExport scan configuration for CI/CDgetExportsExport findingspostGet findings export statusgetList findings export jobsgetDownload findings export chunkgetCancel findings exportpostFiltersList scan configuration filtersgetList scan filtersgetList user-defined template filtersgetList vulnerability filtersgetList vulnerability filters for scangetFoldersCreate folderpostList foldersgetRename folderputDelete folderdeletePluginsList pluginsgetGet plugin detailsgetScansLaunch scanpostImport scanpostSearch scanspostGet scan detailsgetUpdate scan statuspatchDelete scandeleteGet scan notesgetSearch vulnerabilities for scanpostExport scan resultsputDownload exported scangetDownload debug ZIP filegetTemplatesList Tenable-provided templatesgetGet Tenable-provided template detailsgetSearch user-defined templatespostGet user-defined template detailsgetUpdate user-defined templateputDelete user-defined templatedeleteVulnerabilitiesGet vulnerability detailsgetSearch vulnerabilitiespostAttack Path AnalysisAttack PathsList attack pathsgetFindingsList findingsgetPCI ASVAttestationsList attestationsgetGet attestation detailsgetList attestation disputesgetList undisputed failuresgetList attestation assetsgetScansList PCI scansgetMSSPAccountsCreate evaluation account v1postCreate evaluation account v2postCreate quotepostList child accountsgetGet child account detailsgetList domainsgetAccount GroupsCreate account grouppostList account groupsgetGet account group detailsgetUpdate account groupputDelete account groupdeleteChild ContainersGenerate auth keys for child containerpostList child containersgetGet child container historygetDashboardsGet widget detailsgetDomainsAdd domainpostList domainsgetGet domain detailsgetUpdate domainputSend activation codepostFiltersList account filtersgetLicenseGet license detailsgetLogosAdd logopostList logosgetGet logo detailsgetUpdate logopatchDelete logodeleteAssign logoputDownload logo (PNG)getDownload logo (Base64)getPartnersGet partner detailsgetResource LinksBulk add resource linkspostAdd resource linkspostList resource linksgetDownloads APIDownloadsList product pagesgetList downloadable files for a productgetDownload a filegetIdentity ExposureAboutGet about singleton.getAD objectReturn the last state of every ad-object at the provided timestampBy default, the timestamp is now. Objects out of scope are includedgetGet ad-object instance by id.getGet ad-object instance by id.getRetrieve an AD object by id that have deviances for a specific profile and checkergetGet one ad-object by event and by idgetGet one ad-object changes between a given event and the event which precedes itgetSearch all AD objects having deviances by profile by checkerpostAlertGet alert instance by id.getUpdate alert instance.patchRetrieve all alert instances.getUpdate alerts for one profilepatchAPI keyGet the API key of the current usergetCreate or renew an API key for the current userpostApplication settingGet the application settingsgetUpdate the application settingspatchAttackGet all attacksgetGet all attacks in CSV rows formatgetAttack typeGet attack typesgetAttack type configurationGet the attack type configurationgetUpdate the attack type configurationpatchAttack type optionGet all the attack type options related to a profile and attack type.getCreate attack type options related to a profile and attack type.postCategoryRetrieve all category instances.getGet category instance by id.getCheckerRetrieve all checker instances.getGet checker instance by id.getChecker optionGet all the checker options related to a profile and checker.getCreate checker options related to a profile and checker.postCloud statisticsGet user info needed to send cloud statistics.getDashboardRetrieve all dashboard instances.getCreate dashboard instance.postGet dashboard instance by id.getUpdate dashboard instance.patchDelete dashboard instance with it's associated widgetsdeleteDevianceGet all deviances that has been created or resolved since an eventgetGet ad-object-deviance-history instance by id.getGet all ad objects of a deviance in CSV rows formatgetGet all deviances for a directory.getGet ad-object-deviance-history instance by id.getUpdate ad-object-deviance-history instance.patchGet all deviances related to a single directory and checker.getUpdate instances matching a checkerId.patchGet all deviances by checker.postUpdate the deviances emitted on a specific AD object and for a specific checker.patchSearch all deviances by profile by checker by AD objectpostGet all deviances by eventId.postDirectoryRetrieve all directory instances.getCreate directory instance.postGet directory instance by id.getGet all directories for a given infrastructuregetGet directory instance by id.getUpdate directory instance.patchDelete directory instance.deleteEmail notifierRetrieve all email-notifier instances.getCreate email-notifier instance.postGet email-notifier instance by id.getUpdate email-notifier instance.patchDelete email-notifier instance.deleteSend a test email notification by idgetSend a test email notificationpostEventGet event instance by id.getGet event instance by id.getSearch events instancespostInfrastructureRetrieve all infrastructure instances.getCreate infrastructure instance.postGet infrastructure instance by id.getUpdate infrastructure instance.patchDelete infrastructure instance.deleteLDAP configurationGet ldap-configuration singleton.getUpdate ldap-configuration singleton.patchLicenseGet license singleton.getCreate new license singletonpostGet product association in the LicensegetLockout policyGet the lockout policygetUpdate the lockout policypatchMetricsCollect Eridanis and SQL Server health metrics.getPreferenceGet a user's preferencesgetUpdate a user's preferencespatchProfileRetrieve all profile instances.getCreate profile instance.postGet profile instance by id.getUpdate profile instance.patchDelete profile instance.deleteCreates a new profile from another onepostUnstages change of the related profilepostCommits change of the related profilepostReasonRetrieve all reason instances.getGet reason instance by id.getRetrieve all reason instances that have deviances for a specific profile and checker.getRetrieve all reason instances for which we have deviances for a specific profile, directory and event.getRelayGet current linking key for relay setupgetReport access tokenReturns the authentication token required to pull data from Tenable CloudgetUpdates the authentication token required to pull data from Tenable CloudpostRoleRetrieve all role instances.getCreate role instance.postReturn the default roles for user creationgetGet role instance by id.getUpdate role instance.patchDelete role instance.deleteCreates a new role from another onepostReplace permission list for a roleputSAML configurationGet saml-configuration singleton.getUpdate saml-configuration singleton.patchGenerates SAML certificategetScoreGet the directories score by profilegetSyslogRetrieve all syslog instances.getCreate syslog instance.postGet syslog instance by id.getUpdate syslog instance.patchDelete syslog instance.deleteSend a test syslog notification by idgetSend a test syslog notificationpostTopologyGet a representation of the AD topology.getUserGet all usersgetCreate user instance.postGet a user's informationgetGet user instance by id.getUpdate user instance.patchDelete user instance.deleteUpdate a user's passwordpatchLogs in a userpostLogs out a userpostReplace role list for a userputWidgetGet all widgets by dashboard idgetCreate a new widget in dashboard by dashboard idpostGet widget instance by id.getUpdate widget instance.patchDelete widget instance.deleteGet a widget's options by idgetDefine widget's options by idputAttack Surface ManagementTagsGet tags from storegetAdd a new tag to the storepostDelete tag from storepostEdit tag by idpostSearch tags by namepostAdd all assets to all tagspostRemove all assets from all tagspostAdd all assets to all tags using a filterpostRemove all assets from all tags using a filterpostSourcesList of SourcesgetAdd source to inventorypostAdd an IP source to inventorypostAdd source to inventorypostAdd source to inventorypostAdd an Azure based source to the inventorypostAdd an ASN source to inventorypostAdd multiple IP sourcespostAdd multiple cloudflare sources from all the zones that the given API key has access to.postGet the source by idpostDelete the source by idpostAdd multiple sourcespostDelete multiple sourcespostAssetsList assetspostGet asset detailsgetGet asset historygetList archived asset resultspostGet the severity breakdown for the specified assetgetAssets Bulk OperationsMove or copy specific assetspostMove or copy filtered assetspostArchive or unarchive assetspostArchive or unarchive filtered assetspostAlertsGet subscription alertsgetDashboardAccess aggregate datapostSubscriptionsGet subscriptions from storegetGet subscription from store by IDgetGet assets recently added to smartfolder specified by IDgetGet the subscription history by IDgetAdd a new subscription to the storepostEdit subscription by idpostRemove a subscription from the storepostText Records/txt-records/searchpostGlobalList asset properties.getLogsGet user action logs from store.postCloudflare KeysCreate Cloudflare keypostList Cloudflare keysgetUpdate Cloudflare keypostDelete Cloudflare keydeleteList zonesgetAws KeysCreate AWS keypostList AWS keysgetUpdate Azure keypostDelete AWS keydeleteAzure KeysCreate Azure keypostList Azure keysgetUpdate Azure keypostDelete Azure keydeleteExportDownload exportpostExport assets in XLSX formatpostExport assets in CSV formatpostExport assets in JSON formatpostExport source list in CSV formatpostExport source list in XLSX formatpostInventoryGet the asset limit of the current inventorygetList the assets in your InventorypostEdit current inventory name and description.patchCreate a new inventorypostGet user inventoriesgetLeave the given inventory.postSuggestionsGet current inventory suggestions listpostCount all suggestions of inventory with filters appliedpostAccept suggestionspostDecline suggestionspostGet product association in the Licenseget {protocol}://customer.tenable.ad/api/license/product-associationRequired license type: none