Get asset activity log

Returns the activity log for the specified asset. Event types include:

  • discovered—Asset created (for example, by a network scan or import).
  • seen—Asset observed by a network scan without any changes to its attributes.
  • tagging—Tag added to or removed from asset.
  • attribute_change—A scan identified new or changed attributes for the asset (for example, new software applications installed on the asset).
  • updated—Asset updated either manually by a user or automatically by a new scan.

Note: This endpoint is not intended for large or frequent exports of vulnerability or assets data. If you experience errors, reduce the volume, rate, or concurrency of your requests or narrow your filters. Contact support if you continue to experience errors. Additionally, Tenable recommends the POST /vulns/export endpoint for large or frequent exports of vulnerability data, and the POST /assets/v2/export endpoint for large or frequent exports of assets data.

For information and best practices for retrieving vulnerability and assets data from Tenable Vulnerability Management, see Retrieve Vulnerability Data from Vulnerability Management and Retrieve Asset Data from Vulnerability Management.

Requires the Basic [16] user role. See Roles.

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