Get scan configuration processing status

Tracks the current status of a scan configuration creation, update, or upsert process. When creating or updating a scan configuration, this endpoint can be used to determine the current status of the request. You can poll this endpoint using a sensible pause duration between each request until a completed or failed status is returned.

The config_id and tracking_id can be retrieved from the URI provided in the Location header of the 202 Accepted response from the POST /was/v2/configs or PUT /was/v2/configs/{config_id} request used to create or update the scan configuration.

Requires the Scan Operator [24] user role or the WAS.SCAN_WAS.MANAGE custom role privilege. Additionally, requires the Can View [16] scan permission. See Roles and Permissions.

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Path Params

The UUID of the scan configuration.

Note: The config_id can be retrieved from the URI provided in the Location header of the 202 Accepted response from the POST /was/v2/configs or PUT /was/v2/configs/{config_id} request used to create or update the scan configuration.


The tracking UUID for the request you want to retrieve the status for.

Note: The tracking_id can be retrieved from the URI provided in the Location header of the 202 Accepted response from the POST /was/v2/configs or PUT /was/v2/configs/{config_id} request used to create or update the scan configuration.

